Though it isn't a must have aspect it would have been a cool thing. I would like to fight in a huge spacebattle cruis in' in the Millionium Falcon. This would have been a very nice detail added. (such as Geonosis front the 1st Battlefront)

I don't think that tiny battlefields are very fun. The "battlefronts" in Battlefront II are TINY. I would have to say that is one thing I can't deal with. It realy insults war games like Battlefront. Though I do find many thing unattractive in this game it still is very good. For those that are Star Wars fans it seemed like a very good sequel to Battlefront (atleast to me).Yet the sad truth was it has very serious inconsistonsies in gameplay. Vollständige Rezension lesenīattlefront II was a very looked forward to game. Have fun and may the force be with you, your going to need it. YOU GET TO PLAY AS A JEDI for good, or the Dark side with jedi powers to assist. Hours of fun, you know the story, great original soundtrack music, oh yeah. If you haven't played either I would suggest getting this one right from the get go. I don't want to ramble on about what all this game has to offer, but if you really liked the first you will very much enjoy this one as well. You still have most if not all the original places (planets) to do battle and th ey have added a couple of others not found on the original such as the interior of the Death Star, which if you haven't seen the interior where the Death Star's laser is fired from, you will now. As you engage into a space battle you can either go up against a capital ship or dogfight with other fighters, or you can even board a capital ship to try and take it out by sabotage.

You get to fly just about every fighter bomber each side has to offer. One addition to Battlefront II, from the original, is you get to have space battles! THis is also one of the best things about the game in my opinion.

I say this because unlike most other SW games you already know the story and who the players are, and like its predecessor you jump straight into the action to try and accomplish whichever type game you have chosen. Great game! My brother and I agree it is one of the best, if not The best, Star Wars game ever.